Foreigner Identity Number (NIE)

When you wish to interact with Spain for professional, economic or social interests, you will be the holder of an identification number that will be personal, exclusive and unique.

What is the NIE and why is it necessary

The number will be your tax identifier before the Spanish Tax Agency and must appear on each document processed. It is necessary to carry out all kinds of economic and fiscal operations and transactions.

How are we going to help you

For the assignment of your NIE number we want to assist you from Costa Blanca Consulting, representing and managing each of the necessary documents for you:

Standard form-application, duly completed and signed.
Original and copy of the complete passport, or identity document, or valid travel document or registration card.
Communication of the economic, professional or social causes that justify the request.
Having requested it through us, we have the power and faculty to submit such request.

Being a NIE holder does not mean that you can legally reside in Spain. For these other procedures you need to apply for the CUE or TIE card.

How to make an appointment to renew the NIE

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